Hair salons & hairdressers near you in Norwich, England (12)

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Hair salons in Norwich

As the largest city in East Anglia, Norwich is a bustling place with plenty to offer residents and visitors alike. This includes the number of hair salons in the city. Not sure which one to choose or when you might find a suitable appointments time? Let Booksy do the work for you so you can track one down in seconds. Book a hair salon appointment online in Norwich With Booksy, you can book a hair salon in Norwich quickly and easily. Simply enter 'Norwich' into the search field and then select 'hair salons'. You will then see a list of hair salons and hairdressers nearby in Norwich that have booking availabilities. Take a look at the different salons to see what sort of services they provide and an outline of their charges. You can then simply hit the 'Book' button to enter your preferred appointment time and to confirm your reservation. Booksy works reliably to make your appointment whether you are using our app or from our website. What could be easier? Not sure what a hair salon does? Hairdressers nearby in Norwich may offer very different services. Some only cater for men and some only for women. Others are unisex and style the hair of anyone. Typically, hair salons are distinguished from run-of-the-mill hairdressers because they offer specialist services beyond hair cuts and washes. These might include things like hair extension removals, advice on tinting and highlighting or even certain related beauty treatments, such as eyebrow threading, for instance. How do you choose the best hair salon in Norwich? Even if you live in Norwich or visit it regularly, it can be difficult to work out which would be the best salon to choose for the sort of service you are after. A full restyle may require a different sort of hair salon to your usual hairdressers compared to a quick trim, for example. To help out, Booksy will provide you with a rating for each of the hairdressing salons it recommends booking with. These ratings are worked out by averaging out the scores other Booksy users have given each salon. What's more, you can see how many reviews have been left and whether or not a score has been determined from a single rating. This way, you'll be better informed as to which hair salon to choose. How much does a hair salon cost? The pricing for hair salons in the city varies enormously. Of course, it also depends on the sort of service you would like to book. An adult hair cut in Norwich could be as little as £15 in some salons but it is likely to be much higher if you want a restyle, a hair wash or a more specialist service, such as fitting hair extensions. Some hair salons in Norwich offer discounts for students and senior citizens but this is by no means universal. How to find a hair salon open now If you want to track down hairs salons near you that are ready to go, then enter the current time and date and let Booksy search for hairdressers and barbers with current availability. This can save you a lot of time and mean you could be having your hair cut and restyled within minutes. When you click or tap on a particular hairdressing salon in Norwich, you will also be able to see its usual opening hours, a good thing to know if you are in a hurry! Cheap hair salons in Norwich With Booksy, a list of hairdressing salons will be on screen following your initial search for them. Helpfully, this is more than a mere collection of salon names and locations. You will also see some indicative pricing of their usual services. This way, you can discover what you will expect to pay from the outset. If you want a particular service, such as a full head dye or a curl and clip, then select the salon you have in mind to see their full price list and any offers that might be available to you. Hair salons near to you Using the Booksy app or website, you can select the 'search near me' option. This means your current location will be fed into the system to locate all of the closest hair salons near you in Norwich to your exact position. Of course, you can also use Booksy's map view as an alternative, if you want.