Skin Care Consultation near me in Lowell, MA (3)

Map view
  • Marjory Studios

    1.3 mi 80 Mammoth Rd, Lowell, 01854

    Skin Cleasing


    Male Groin + Anus

    1h 30min

    Male Groin

  • Karen Vidal

    2.7 mi 1470 Lakeview Ave, Dracut, 01826

    Skin analyzer


    RF Microneedling glutes (stretch mark)

    1h 30min

    RF Microneedling abdomen

    1h 30min

    18.8 mi 452 Pleasant st, 1st floor, Malden, 02148
    Booksy Recommended

    Skin analysis/ Avaliacao

    Skin analysis is important because it determines what type of skin the client has, the condition of the skin, and what type of treatment the client's skin needs. A avaliação da pele é um dos momentos mais importantes do tratamento estético. É hora de conhecer o cliente, perguntar sobre histórico de doenças, hábitos e descobrir qual o problema a ser melhorado.

    Spray tanning 4 sessions/ 4 sessões bronze


    Spray tanning (bronzeamento a Jato )

    If you want a flawless tan without exposing yourself to UV rays or laying for hours in the sun, get a sun-kissed tan with our Norvell sunless Tanning System. It’s the perfect spray tan solution to transform and enhance your individual skin tone for an amazing sunless look.